Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

With the current school year winding down, La Grande School District Food Service is gearing up for another summer of providing free meals for children ages 1 through 18. With last summer's achievement of serving over 20,000 meals to local kids at Greenwood and Island City Elementary Schools, the goal this summer is to increase the number of meals provided to children by being more accessible throughout La Grande. Meals will be served at Greewood Elementary, Island City Elementary, Central Elementary and Pioneer Park. Meals will be available June 17th-August 16th, Monday through Friday from 11:30am-12:30pm(meals will not be served Thursday July 4th or Friday July 5th). As per Oregon Department of Education guidelines, meals for children may only be distributed to parents, grandparents, guardians, siblings or the child themselves. So, stop by and grab a meal for any child ages 1 through 18!