LGSD Seeks Your Input
The La Grande School District (LGSD) is currently conducting research to determine the possibility of adopting a four-day school week model. LGSD views this as an important community decision and we ask for your support in giving the district feedback.
Please review our four-day school week resource website to learn more about potential schedules, past four-day committee meeting notes, presentations, four day school week research, and video resources. The four-day school week website can be found at: https://www.lagrandesd.org/page/4-day-week
If La Grande School District would convert to a four-day school week there would be changes to our calendar and potentially our school schedules to conform to state requirements related to instructional time.
LGSD needs your feedback and perspective on this important topic! Please click on the survey link to participate:
LGSD looks forward to your input.
El Distrito Escolar de La Grande (LGSD) está realizando una investigación para determinar la posibilidad de adoptar un modelo de semana escolar de cuatro días. LGSD ve esto como una decisión importante de la comunidad y le pedimos su ayuda para dar su opinión al distrito.
Por favor, revise nuestro sitio web de y busque información y recursos importantes, como horarios de la semana escolar de cuatro días. También encontrará notas de reuniones anteriores del comité de cuatro días, presentaciones, investigación de la semana escolar de cuatro días y recursos de video. El sitio web de la semana escolar de cuatro días se puede encontrar en: https://www.lagrandesd.org/page/4-day-week.
Si el Distrito Escolar de La Grande se convirtiera a una semana escolar de cuatro días, habría cambios en nuestro calendario y potencialmente en nuestros horarios escolares para cumplir con los requisitos estatales relacionados con el tiempo de instrucción.
¡LGSD necesita sus comentarios y perspectiva sobre estos temas importantes! Por favor responda y haga clic en el enlace web de la encuesta para participar:
Esperamos su entrada!
Research Resources
Study suggests four-day school week impacts math performance | KGW News
What this school district learned from a 4-day week | PBS NewsHour
Is a 4-day school week the next trend in education?
4 ways transitioning to a 4-day school week impacts districts | K-12 Dive
Associate professor offers advice for school districts considering 4-day week | KTVO

Education Week Article: 4-day school weeks: New Research Examines the Benefits and Drawbacks
Study: Lower scores for schools that switched to four-day schedules
PROOF POINTS: Seven new studies on the impact of a four-day school week
Does Four Equal Five? Implementation and Outcomes of the Four-Day School Week
Is four less than five? Effects of four-day school weeks on student achievement in Oregon
Only a matter of time? The role of time in school on four-day school week achievement impacts
A Multi-State, Student-Level Analysis of the Effects of the Four-Day School Week on Student Achievement and Growth
Effects of 4-Day School Weeks on Older Adolescents: Examining Impacts of the Schedule on Academic Achievement, Attendance, and Behavior in High School
Rural Texas needs teachers, so one district is considering a 4-day school week to attract them
Impacts of the four-day school week on high school achievement and educational engagement
When five shrinks to four: Assessing the four-day school week in rural locales