K-12 Human Health, Personal Protection, and Sexual Health Education
Educational Programs
This year La Grande School District will be providing all required state assessment to students. We are notifying parents of this requirement at the start of the school year. If you would like more information, you are welcome to contact your building administrator(s) or Scott Carpenter at scott.carpenter@lagrandesd.org.
State Testing Notification 2023/24 (English)
State Testing Notification 2023/24 (Spanish)
More Information
2022 LGSD Student Health Survey (Updated Survey)
District Report Cards (PDF): For all district and school data, please go to: https://www.oregon.gov/ode/schools-and-districts/reportcards/reportcards/Pages/default.aspx
School Name | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 (Adapted) | 2020-21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 |
La Grande SD | |||||||
Central Elementary School | |||||||
Greenwood Elementary School | |||||||
Island City Elementary School | |||||||
La Grande Middle School | |||||||
La Grande High School |
Strategic Planning
Continuous Improvement Supplemental Questions (PDF)
LGSD Strategic Plan 2020/21 (PDF)
LGSD Profile and Focus Guide 2020/21
LGSD School Board Strategic Plan - Updated Plan (Approved December 2022)
2023/25 Profile and Focus Guide
LGSD Integrated Guidance Documents
On February 22, 2023 district administration presented the required Integrated Guidance narratives, goals, strategies, and budgets for state funds and initiatives outside of the State School Fund. As part of this process, community members have a opportunity to review and provide feedback to the district on these plans. Integrated Guidance plans and budgets will be on the March 8th regular board meeting for final consideration and approval. Interested community members are welcome to provide feedback directly to Superintendent George Mendoza at george.mendoz@lagrandesd.org or Assistant Superintendent Scott Carpenter at scott.carpenter@lagrandesd.org or during the public comment period at the March 8 board meeting.
Link to Integrated Guidance Goals/Strategies and Budget
Link to SIA Annual Report: 2022/23
Link to Oregon Early Literacy Grant Agreement: 2023/24
LGSD Title Programs
Title 1A (Improving Basic Programs) Title I-A is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I-A provides flexible funding that may be used to provide additional instructional staff, professional development, extended-time programs, and other strategies for raising student achievement in high-poverty schools. The program focuses on promoting school-wide reform in high-poverty schools and ensuring students’ access to evidence-based instructional strategies and challenging academic content.
Project(s): Support School-wide plans for all elementary schools. Support includes, but is not limited to, staff, supplies, software, parent involvement nights, etc. to provide academic interventions and supports.
Title 2A (Supporting Effective Instruction) The purpose of Title II-A is to improve teacher and leader quality and focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting high-quality teachers and principals. The Title II-A program is designed, among other things, to provide students from low-income families and minority students with greater access to effective educators. In general, Title II funds can be used to provide supplemental strategies and activities that strengthen the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
Project(s): Based on annual data and collaborative needs assessment processes within the district, we have identified six areas of support for teachers to improve outcomes for all students: Digital Instruction, Math Instructional Practices, Trauma and Social Emotional Learning Practices/Supports, Science/STEM Instructional Practices, Instructional Technology, New Teacher Mentorship, and continued support in developing high performing Professional Learning Communities.
Title 3 (English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement) A complex web of state and federal laws govern the services that public school districts must provide to students who are not proficient in English. Some of those laws are mandatory for all districts while others apply only to districts that receive certain funding. State and federal laws around services for English Learners (ELs) share the same goal - ensuring that English learners benefit from their education. All districts have a dual responsibility toward their ELs: (1) to teach the English language and (2) to have on-grade level core content accessible to ELs while they are learning English.
The Oregon Department of Education English Learners in Oregon 2019-20 Report
The Oregon Department of Education English Learners in Oregon 2020-21 Report
The Oregon Department of Education English Learners in Oregon 2021-22 Report
Project(s): Funds used to provide curriculum support to help meet EL student needs, and provide adult EL class for families within our district.
Title 4 (Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants) This section provides information about how local educational agencies (LEAs) can spend funds under the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program under Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1. The purpose of the SSAE grant program is to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, LEAs, schools, and local communities to:
• Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
• Improve school conditions for student learning; and
• Improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
Project(s): Support activities outlined in district strategic plan goals and activities.
McKinney-Vento Program and Support
La Grande School District works to support students, and their families, that experience housing insecurity. We work with families to determine services that may be appropriate to help their students fully access the benefits of public education regardless of housing status. We use federal Title funds and our district Angel Fund (funded by local donations) to meet these needs in our community.
If you have questions, please contact the following staff in our district:
Scott Carpenter (Assistant Superintendent): (541) 663-3203 or at scott.carpenter@lagrandesd.org

Foster Child Student Services
Foster Student Liaison Contact:
Erika Dockweiler, Student Services Director
Oregon Department of Human Services Support A Foster Child Information
Statewide Foster Child Point of Contact List
Foster Care Services Poster (English)
Foster Care Services Poster (Spanish)
DHS As A Foster Child How Do I? Brochure
Oregon Foster Young Child Bill of Rights
Oregon Foster Child or Youth Bill of Rights
Oregon Foster Parent Bill of Rights
Oregon Department of Education Foster Care Information
La Grande School District Annual Division 22 Report
Annually, the district reports on compliance with ODE Division 22 standards to the La Grande School Board and to Oregon Department of education. To see La Grande School District's completed report please click on the links below.
2019-20 Division 22 Assurances
Due to COVID-19, the 2019-20 Division 22 Assurances are significantly shorter than in other years. Additionally, Division 22 Assurances are subject to annual adjustment or change based on legal updates at the state level.
2020-21 Division 22 Assurances
2021/22 Division 22 Assurances
2022/23 Division 22 Assurances
Board Minutes - 2022/23 Assurances
LGSD Student Investment Account (SIA) and ESSER Funding
Student Success Application (PDF)
2020 LGSD Student Investment Account Grant Agreement
2020 LGSD Student Investment Account Application
2021/22 LGSD Student Investment Account Adjustment and Update
Annual SIA Board Report - 2021/22
Board Minutes 9/8/21 - SIA Annual Report
Board Minutes 10/12/22 - SIA Annual Report
Board Minutes 11/15/23 - SIA Annual Report
ESSER III District Budget/Plan - Sept 2021
ESSER III District Budget/Plan - Updated March 2022
ESSER III District Budget/Plan - Updated June 2022
La Grande SD TAG Program
ODE TAG Plan and Forms - Link Here
La Grande School District is excited to support our Talented and Gift (TAG) Learners. We seek to engage and excite those that demonstrate exceptional abilities in the classroom through this program.
La Grande School District actively solicits referrals from parents and staff throughout the year.
All referrals from parents/guardians and teachers are sent to the Building TAG Coordinator throughout the year, but especially in the spring with a copy to the District TAG Coordinator/District Office Staff.
Building TAG Coordinator will send out Parent/Guardian Nomination, Consent for Testing and Observation Forms to Parent/Guardian as needed.
Building TAG Coordinator will send out Teacher Nomination and Observation Forms to staff as needed.
The District TAG Coordinator and designated staff will review student’s Oregon State Assessment scores for the past several years.
After the parent/guardian and/or teacher packet is received, the District TAG Coordinator will assign a designated staff member to perform additional testing if needed for the student.
The District Diagnostician will return the results to the District TAG Coordinator in a timely manner for review.
The screening committee will determine if the student is TAG. If the student is TAG the District Office will send out a TAG Program Placement Letter and Consent form. The Building TAG Coordinator will send out the Parent/Guardian Survey form with meeting information to parent/guardian to complete. If the student is identified as “not qualifying for TAG services” then a letter will be sent home explaining the decision and will let the parent(s) know we will monitor the student and their progress.
The TAG plan will be written by the classroom teacher in conjunction with the parent/guardian. Copies of the TAG Plan will be provided to the Building and District TAG Coordinators.
In order to serve academically talented and intellectually gifted students in grades K through 12, the district directs the superintendent to establish a written identification process. This process of identification shall include as a minimum:
Use of research-based best practices to identify talented and gifted students from underrepresented populations such as ethnic minorities, students with disabilities, students who are culturally and/or linguistically diverse or economically disadvantaged.
Behavioral, learning and/or performance information;
A nationally standardized mental ability test for assistance in identifying intellectually gifted students;
A nationally standardized academic achievement test of reading or mathematics on a test of total English Language Arts/Literacy or total mathematics, or on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium for assistance in identifying academically.
Identified students shall score at or above the 97th percentile on one of these tests. Other students who demonstrate the potential to perform at the eligibility criteria, as well as additional students who are talented and gifted may be identified.
La Grande School District recognizes that TAG plans should be individualized and focused on helping students reach their full potential. TAG plans may include, but are not limited to:
1. Early Entrance;
2. Grade Skipping;
3. Ungraded/Multi-age Classes;
4. Cluster Grouping in Regular Classes;
5. Continuous Progress Monitoring;
6. Cross Grade Grouping;
7. Compacted/Fast-Paced Curriculum;
8. Special Full- or Part-time Classes;
9. Academic Competitions;
10. Advanced Placement Classes;
11. Honors Classes;
12. Block Classes;
13. Independent Study;
14. Credit by Examination;
15. Concurrent Enrollment;
16. Mentorship/Internship;
17. Academic Competitions;
18. College/University Programming
For more information see the linked TAG Handbook.
Scott Carpenter - Assistant Superintendent
Drug and Alcohol Prevention
In 2023/24, La Grande School District worked to update our district Drug and Alcohol Prevention Plan. Linked below is the completed plan and board policies associated with drug and alcohol prevention.
District Plan: Click Here
District Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy: Click Here
Drug-Free Workplace Policy: Click Here
Student Drug Abuse Policy: Click Here
The district uses the following curriculums to support education in this area:
Safer, Smarter Kids (K-5)
Great Body Shop (K-5)
BEST Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (Grade 5)
Teen Health (Middle School)
Health for Life (High School)
Vape Educate (HS Intervention Program)
Individual teachers, counselor, or school created lessons (K-12)
Additionally, school nurses and the Student-Based Health Center, located at LHS, provide information and support to our students in this area.