Public Complaint

Public Complaint Procedure

A student, staff member, parent or guardian of a student attending a school in the district, a person who resides in the district who wishes to express a concern should discuss the matter with the school employee involved. It is the intent of the district to solve problems and address all complaints as close as possible to their origination. A concern against a coach may be addressed to the athletic director or coach.

The timelines may be extended upon written agreement between the district and the complainant. Public Complaints – KL-AR(1) 2-3

The district’s final decision for a complaint processed under this administrative regulation that alleges a violation of Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Chapter 581, Division 22 (Division 22 Standards), ORS 339.285 - 339.303 or OAR 581-021-0550 - 581-021-0570 (Restraint and Seclusion), or ORS 659.852 (Retaliation), will be issued in writing or electronic form. The final decision will address each allegation in the complaint and contain reasons for the district’s decision. If the complainant, who is a student, parent or guardian of a student attending school in the district or a person that resides in the district, and this complaint is not resolved through the complaint process, the complainant may appeal1 the district’s final decision to the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction under Oregon OARs 581-002-0001 – 581- 002-0023.

Non-Discrimination Statement

It is the policy of the La Grande School Board of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, or age (including state and federal protected classes) in any educational programs, activities or employment. 

For information on the district’s discrimination complaint process go to: Discrimination Complaint Procedure

For questions or concerns related to Discrimination, Civil Rights & Title IX contact:  

Scott Carpenter, Assistant Superintendent
1305 N Willow Street
La Grande, OR 97850

For questions or concerns related to IDEA (Section 504 & Special Education) contact:

Erika Dockweiler, Student Services Director
1305 N Willow Street
La Grande, OR 97850