La Grande SD Safety and Emergency Response Resources
School safety is a paramount priority for La Grande School District. Over the last decade, La Grande School District has spent considerable time and resources to improve overall school safety and our ability to respond to emergency situations. The voter-approved 2015 school bond updated interior and exterior doors, door locks, windows, created entry vestibules, id card access, and phone/intercom systems.
In 2019, the La Grande School District further emphasized student and staff safety when it became part of the district strategic plan (Indicator 1C). Annually, the district sets goals, monitors progress, and reports to the school board and community on progress towards safer and better prepared schools. Some of our major accomplishments to date have been:
Facility safety assessments at all school sites
Emergency Operations Plan (created and reviewed)
Updated classroom Emergency Action Plans
Updated safety training for staff and substitutes
New district radio systems
Creation of classroom emergency response kits
Creation of school reunification kits
School safety and security assessments
Additional security cameras
New environmental (vape) sensors
Annual training on Student Threat Response and Assessment
Training and access to NARCAN
Regular safety tabletop exercises on possible emergency response actions
Annual First Aid and CPR trainings for staff
Annual school drills and discussion
Additionally, we have formed strong relationships with local emergency response agencies, Grande Ronde Hospital, Center for Human Development, and other providers so that we can provide the best outcomes and care when an emergency does happen.
La Grande School District recognizes that parents and our community are important partners in this effort. This page has been created to provide information and insight so that you can best support your student and our staff in responding to emergencies.