All Greenwood students gathered in the Gym on September 14th for their first Wednesday Afternoon Assembly of the year. After some rousing music and some reminders about Assembly behavior, the virtue of RESPECT was presented. Assembly organizer Missy Rinker, 5th Grade Teacher, shouted out some questions:
Should I respect my teacher? YES!
Should I respect my classmates? YES!
Should I respect the staff in the cafeteria? YES! Should I respect the school secretary? YES!
After that, students had an opportunity to show their dance moves during the Chicken Dance. Then, all new teachers and staff at Greenwood this school year were introduced to energetic rounds of applause. “It’s so great these people are now part of our Greenwood Family!” said Rinker.
Staff and students alike seemed to enjoy being together. Future assemblies will highlight other Greenwood virtues throughout the year.