We are excited that students and staff continue to enjoy a more normal school year as our focus shifts from COVID-19 to the future. To safeguard our schools and maintain compliance with state rules, the district collects feedback every 6 months on our building COVID-19 Management Plans.
Parents and community members are welcome to review our building plans at https://www.lagrandesd.org/page/reopening-blueprints and submit feedback by email to covid@lagrandesd.org or call Assistant Superintendent Scott Carpenter at (541) 663-3203.
While the district is seeing an increase in illness (i.e. COVID, RSY, Flu, etc.), our plans continue to serve us well. District leadership continues to meet regularly with hospital and community health officials and take precautions, as needed, to keep schools functioning. We continue to encourage families to keep their students home if they are sick until they are 24-hours fever-free so that we can limit the spread of viruses this winter and continue to have healthy and safe environments at our schools.