The La Grande School District is currently conducting research to determine the possibility of adopting a four-day school week. The district has established a 4-Day School Week Committee, which has met twice to outline the process and begin discussions about the proposal.
The district is seeking input from the La Grande community during this entire process and has organized a public Town Hall on Tuesday, January 10th from 4:00 to 5:30 PM at the La Grande High School Auditorium. Superintendent George Mendoza said he hopes many community members will attend the event to provide their feedback and perspectives about the proposed change to the district schedule.
Many factors, including state instructional time requirements, student achievement, attendance, transportation, childcare, financial impact, staffing, food service and more will all need to be considered by the district, committee and community.
“The district views this as an important community decision, and we ask for community participation and support in giving the district input about this idea,” Mendoza said.
At the end of the process, the 4-Day School Week Committee will provide a recommendation to the LGSD School Board to consider. If a change is adopted, the new schedule would start with the 23-24 school year.
The La Grande School District has a website about the 4-Day School Week: and a current survey that is open and available for the public to take:
To view the Town Hall using Google Meet:
LGSD Town Hall: 4 Day School Week
Tuesday, January 10 · 4:00 – 5:30pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 513-480-2233 PIN: 325 989 746#
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You can also watch the Town Hall Meeting on Facebook or LGSD.TV
Send any questions or concerns to:
Please contact the LGSD District Office at 541-663-3202 with questions.