La Grande Optimist Pack 515 invites you to a Scouting Adventure on Wednesday, September 14th at 6 PM.
Come join our extraordinary team!
See openings at:
Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Students
La Grande School District will continue to provide FREE breakfast and lunch to all district students for the 22-23 school year. The meals are available at all schools without the need for parents to complete any paperwork.
The district is providing the meals for the second year through CEP, Community Eligibility Provision. According to Michelle Glover, Business Director at LGSD, the district qualified for the program before the pandemic based on the percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch.
During the 21-22 school year, free meals were provided through pandemic-relief programs, but it was year one of CEP, which Glover said the district had to use last year. The good news, however, is that CEP is for a total of four years, so two years remain after this one. “Especially considering recent rises in food prices, we are pleased that the district can continue to provide free meals for all our students, because children having consistent nutrition contributes to student success in classrooms,” Glover said.
For questions about free meals, please contact your child’s school.
Back to School Rally
While students were busy picking out new school backpacks and school supplies, their teachers and everyone else who supports their learning at La Grande School District were also getting ready for back to school. On Wednesday, August 24th, all employees of the district gathered in the high school auditorium for a Back to School Rally. This annual gathering before the new school year starts is a great opportunity for all staff to reconnect, meet new employees, get information from the district and get ready for the year together.
“Our Rally is always a great, uplifting event when all LGSD employees gather and get motivated for the new school year. Being together to share district planning and goals is a good start for serving students,” said Scott Carpenter, Assistant Superintendent of LGSD.
At the event, Carpenter gave a short overview of recent district summer camps, which served more than 1,000 students, and highlighted other district programs and plans. School principals introduced their building staffs.
Shawn Brooks, fourth grade teacher at Central Elementary, shared some words about how he works to make his classroom successful by ensuring it’s a safe place where students trust him and the environment in order to learn most successfully.
Finally, Braden Carson, valedictorian of the La Grande High School Class of 2022, spoke. Carson, who also won nine state championships during high school, talked about being positive, optimistic and kind, plus working hard and having a “no problem” mindset to resolve issues. He said his teachers at LGSD showed him that teaching is a lot more than educating kids, it’s inspiring kids and using their strengths to reach them. “You inspired me to do my greatest work,” Carson said.
Check out the latest edition of the La Grande Pride newsletter!
The first day of school for students in grades kindergarten through 7th grade, as well as 9th grade students will be Monday, August 29, 2022. Students in grades 8, 10, 11 and 12 will begin on Tuesday, August 30, 2022.
Join us at the end of summer Community Block Party on September 8th!
We have a great team! Join us!
Greenwood information at a glance!
Get ready for school!!
Come Join Us!
We have an opening for a Spanish teacher at LHS! Join our Team!
There is an upcoming La Grande School Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 10th at 7:00 pm. Please see for more information.
Calendars are available at
Calendars are available at
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the La Grande School District will be meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm for a Regular Board Meeting, in the District Office Board Room at 1305 N. Willow. The meeting will be available in person, online, and via phone. Please see the agenda on our website at for meeting access information.
Mid Columbia Bus Company is looking for bus drivers!
The LGSD track will be closed for regular maintenance from June 27th to July 10th.
Thank you to all our students, parents, families, teachers and staff for a great school year! Despite the challenges, you have made it a successful year of learning and thriving in our district. Have a wonderful summer!
The La Grande School District would like to congratulate the Class of 2022! We celebrate all your hard work, dedication, and commitment and we wish you the best in your next adventures!