Happy Thanksgiving! The La Grande School District will be closed from November 24th to November 26th. Have a wonderful time. See you back on Monday, November 29th.
Please consider applying to be a:
4th Grade Teacher Temporary - https://5il.co/1254r
Operations Specialist - https://5il.co/126yq
Your donations of cash, food, and gift cards will support the La Grande School District Youth-In-Transition (Houseless) Program.
Mark your calendars to decorate cookies with Mrs. Claus!
Central Elementary Principal's Message:https://youtu.be/8Y2YmlgFs7A
We have so many "thank yous" to our principals - we had to make two videos!
2 of 2: https://youtu.be/3HmOjyrjiLw
We have so many "thank yous" to our principals - we had to make two videos!
1 of 2: https://youtu.be/urDJuekpTv8%20
The La Grande School District will be closed today, Thursday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day, which recognizes military veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Turn in your child's entry to the office of their school!
Cook Memorial Library provides free literacy tutoring Tuesday - Thursday weekly from 1:45 - 4:30pm. Here is the Application for Free Tutoring and Scheduled Access to Learning Stations:
During open hours, all ages are welcome, and Literacy Center services are free of charge. Please drop in to check out our collection of available educational games and materials, and use the Literacy Center’s PCs and AWE computer learning stations. Students may stay longer than their scheduled hour.
Learning packets are sent home with students for additional learning and practice. Tutors will go over materials to make sure that your student understands. Please feel free to review work on the packets with your student, as repeating helps with comprehension, and students begin using self-correcting techniques while rereading. Students who complete their packets receive prizes during their subsequent tutoring sessions!
If you have questions, contact Myra via email: mbritschgi@cookmemoriallibrary.org, or phone: 541-962-1339.
It's Red Ribbon Week! LMS students today demonstrated, "Do Sports, Not Drugs!" by wearing sporty attire!
Meeting tonight!
We look forward to seeing students on Monday!
Check out this video of a Physical Science lesson with Mr. Galvez!
Art Center East and La Grande Parks and Recreation are offering a free opportunity for middle schoolers! Explore, draw, sculpt, take pictures, and investigate our neighborhood parks! Thursdays from 3:30 - 5:30 pm, September 16-October 21. It's not too late to start! For more information see https://artcentereast.org/calendar/category/classes/
Click here to find out more information about upcoming "Conscious Discipline for Families" virtual courses: https://5il.co/zrlq
Growing Meaningful Connections with Your Child is tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 28th, at 6:30 pm - virtually or at LHS. See this flyer for more details! https://5il.co/ziy6
"Adopt A Teacher" Would you consider the adoption of a La Grande School District K-12 teacher? The purpose of this project is to support an amazing local educator during one of the hardest years in their career. In turn, your generosity will help enhance the lives of our students as well. Participating teachers have compiled a small wish list. Our goal will be for you to drop off a treat once a month in the office of the school they work at. This could be classroom wishlist items and/or a little gift for the teacher. Please contact Ellen Lester at 541-910-3419 or ellen.lester@lagrandesd.org to adopt your teacher today or to find out more information. We already have teachers signed up hoping to be adopted. Thank you in advance for showing your love and appreciation to our local educators.
Adopt a Teacher!