October 2, 2020
Dear Central Cougars,
We are very excited to have our K - 3 students back to Central onsite. Coming back onsite will require our school and families to communicate together more than ever. School will look different this year. Our school will have new policies in place to prevent the spread of COVID. Teachers and staff will be teaching and encouraging preventive behaviors at school. Likewise, it will be important for families to emphasize and model healthy behaviors at home and to talk to your children about changes to expect this school year. Our goal is to provide a solid educational program in a safe environment.
We ask that you be patient with us during our first week as we establish our routine and procedures concerning physical distancing with our students and staff. We know that it is going to be messy for the first few days. We know we will have less children riding the bus so we will have an increase in the number of families who will be dropping off and picking up their children. For the safety of everyone, please drive very carefully within our school zone. We encourage families not to use the bus when feasible and to walk to school.
It is extremely important that you look for signs of illness each morning. If your child has a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please do not send them to school. If sick, please contact the main office at 541.663.3501.
I’m sure you have lots of questions on how we will return and are concerned about the safety of your children. Our team has created a Frequently Asked Questions document to help with your questions and concerns. This document will be on our school website, school Facebook pages, and class dojo and sent to you electronically. It is very important that you read this document in its entirety. It contains information on school start times, staggered release times at the end of the day, safety measures, school photos, and other important information.
Our district-wide theme this year is, “Better Together.” Working together always produces greater results rather than in isolation. The productivity of our PTO team/admin team/teachers is a perfect example of this. I want to personally thank our PTO Team and all the community members who have contributed to our Scholastic Book Fundraiser. Another perfect example is the teamwork between our teachers and parents as we established our CDL program. Together, you made the instructional delivery possible for our students. You all deserve a huge pat on the back for persevering through the ups and downs of the experience. THANK YOU!
In appreciation,
Mrs. Mayes