
Howdy Cougs! And Happy Fall! 

While the Summer’s corn may all be eaten, we can still have fun with what’s left. With a bunch of field corn donated from the Pick n’ Patch in Cove, this week our after school kids made these awesome corn husk dolls! It’s super easy and a fun way to use the remnants of this amazing plant. Try it at home by following this video (which includes a wonderful Cherokee story).

Speaking of corn, this week, our 3rd graders practiced tracing food products to their source. Where do corn tortilla chips come from anyway? Every food product comes from a whole food in its natural state, like corn. We learned about how these whole foods become processed in many ways to become food products, but how often in that process, ingredients that we don’t want or know about can be added. But, it’s easy to try to eat more whole foods in their natural state over highly processed foods to know exactly what we’re putting in our bodies, AND eat with less expense. When you find yourself in front of the next thing you eat, think about, where does this item fall on the spectrum from whole to highly-processed foods: how much work and other ingredients went into making this?

Lastly, our courageous Cougar Cooks met again this week virtually to cook Baked Sweet Potato Fries. They were delicious! While we won’t be meeting next week (conference with your teachers!) We will be meeting the following Wednesday night at 5pm, continuing to prepare tasty and nutritious appetizers, snacks, and side dishes! If you or your child is in the 4th grade and want to join, or have an idea of something you want to cook, just email me at and we’ll make sure to get you all the information and ingredients!

Stay warm this week: in your hearts, bodies, and spirits!