October 8, 2020
October 7, 2020
Hello Central Parents,
Thank you for the last three days! We appreciate your gracious cooperation as we develop new processes to teach our students how to p...

October 3, 2020
Happy October!
Check out Central Elementary's October Newsletter

October 3, 2020
Parents: Please Check Your Child Every Morning for These Symptoms

October 3, 2020
Fill the Semi !
Oregon Fires Relief Fundraiser

October 3, 2020
Central School-Wide Safety Expectations Central Staff & Students Will Use the Following Practices to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19
Daily Visual Screening Spread ...

October 3, 2020
October 2, 2020
Dear Central Cougars,
We are very excited to have our K - 3 students back to Central onsite. Coming back onsite will require our school and familie...
October 3, 2020
1) What does Central have in place for physical distancing?
Each grade level will have a designated entry/exit door and pathway to...
October 3, 2020
October 1, 2020
Dear Central Cougars,
We are very excited to have our K - 3 students back to Central onsite. Coming back onsite will require our school and familie...
October 3, 2020
Welcome Back!!! We are so excited!!!!
Start Date: October 5, 2020
Start Time: 8:00 am
Drop off Time: 7:50 am
Arrival and Dismi...

October 1, 2020
Here is a helpful checklist for all Cougar families heading back to in-person classes.
Checklist: Planning for In-Person Classes

September 28, 2020
Hello Central Cougars and families! With our first small groups of students arriving on campus today it is important for us to communicate transportation expectations. We are high...

September 25, 2020
“Diggin’ In” with FoodCorps Fin
Hey Cougars! This week, come along with me on a virtual farm tour of Evergreen Family Farm here in La Grande! We’ll get to see the many amazin...

September 18, 2020
La Grande School District Update on Comprehensive Distance Learning, Limited In Person Instruction, and K-3 education: LGSD is pleased to provide an overview of what is taki...

September 15, 2020
Central Elementary Newsletter
from Principal Suzy Mayes

September 14, 2020
Central Elementary Virtual Open House
Here are our school's introductions and videos from our kind, talented & courageous Cougar Team. Please share them with our students, o...

September 10, 2020
Join us for this free virtual class via ZOOM. Pre-registration is required. Register by calling: 541-910-6280 or 541-910-5646.

September 1, 2020
A message from Amy Pennington, RN and Jacey Teeter, RN, both nurses with the La Grande School District.

August 31, 2020
What will the first week look like?
The first week will be devoted to connecting with families. During the first week each teacher will be contacting a few families each day ...