blocks that spell out 4 day week

La Grande School District 4 Day School Week Update:


La Grande school District will not move forward with implementing a 4 day school week at this time:


Why did LGSD research, survey, and consider a 4 Day School Week (4DSW)?

Superintendent Mendoza and the LGSD School Board agreed to research the 4DSW concept during the 22-23 school year based on:

  • Conversations with employee groups, families, and community members to consider this different schedule   
  • Superintendent Mendoza made a commitment to consider the 4DSW through a community committee process. The committees focus was to consider impact on the following:

1. Examination of student achievement levels compared to 4DSW and 5DSW

2. Examination of Teacher/staff retention

3. Changing workforce and workplace dynamics

4. Consider Sports/Activities schedules – long travel times for students & missed school

5. Consider Rural environment in La Grande/Eastern Oregon region


What are the top 3 priorities when considering 4DSW?

  • LGSD must base decisions on adhering to the Strategic Plan and Equity Lens
  • LGSD must work toward improving scores in Reading & Math for students & continue to close achievement gaps for students
  • LGSD must support teachers and staff in professional development, job satisfaction and work-life balance

What has the process looked like?

A 4 Day School Week Committee consisted of 45 people:

·         District/school administrators

·         School Board Members

·         Teachers

·         Classified Staff

·         Students

·         Parents

·         Community Members

·         Business Owners


What has the process looked like?

·         4DSW Committee began meeting in November 2022

·         Multiple research articles were provided to Committee & on district website relating to 4DSW

·         4DSW reviewed & discussed research, brainstormed ideas, created calendar options

·         Survey created and communicated about

·         Town Hall held in January 2023

·         Many factors were considered:  state instructional time requirements, student achievement, attendance, transportation, childcare, financial impact, staffing, food service and more



4 Day School Week Committee Agreed to focus on 3 Calendar options:

Option #1 – standard 5 Day School Week (what we have now)

Option #2 – 4 Day Extended Model

Same number of Student Contact Days

Less holiday breaks

Extended year (August 21 – June 14)


Option #3 – 4 Day Model with extra 30 minutes of school per day

Less Student Contact Days


What did Survey data indicate?

Did respondents support an Alternative School Schedule (4DSW)?

61% of Community respondents in favor

59% of Parents of LGSD in favor

67% of Employee respondents in favor


Data reveals highest level of preference is for the 30 minute model (Option #3)

68% of Community Respondents prefer this option

64% of Employee Respondents prefer this option


What are respondents concerned about?

Individual concerns & Family and Business Concerns are highest for:

·         Work schedules

·         Family schedules

·         Childcare

·         School achievement

·         Financial impact



State and Local Context Update:

1. Oregon state considering updating/changing instructional time and contact days for schools

2. Achievement scores for LGSD students are lower since 2018-19

3. Financial outlook of the district is not positive due to decreased enrollment

4. Due to Equity Lens and Strategic plan alignment, change to 4DSW would cost more $ for the district due to need to ensure Friday learning options

5. Large Community Organizations, Employers, City, Health, Safety feedback was not in support of 4DSW  


Primary Option to Consider and RECOMMENDED by Superintendent and 4DSW Committee:

·         Stop and Pause for 3-5 years; focus on implementing a 5 day calendar for the next 3-5 school years;

·         Create more 3-day weekends each month or during latter months that have less days off; or look at months of April or May to allow for more 3-day weekends for students and staff, as they need more rest and rejuvenation.

·         Consider options around implementing 2-4 half days throughout the school year that would allow staff to have some time off or ability to catch up on professional responsibilities.

·         Consider 1-2 days of additional personal/professional leave days that would allow staff more opportunities to take time off or catch up on professional responsibilities.    

·         Allow Union leaders, staff members, Administration and Calendar committee members to work together and develop 3-year calendar in alignment with recommended 5-day calendar principles in support of more work-life-balance for staff and students.

LGSD is very thankful for your patience, support, and understanding as we navigated this important topic for our schools, students, staff, and community.

George Mendoza
