elections flyer

Student Government 10th - 12th Grade General Elections Information


Steps to Run for an ASB or Class Officer Position

  1. Sign your name on the Declaration to Run page in the LHS front office or in Mr. Rangel's Classroom (29).

  2. Complete your 2022-2023 ASB & Class Officer Application Packet

**Must be picked up at the LHS front officer AFTER signing your name on the Declaration to Run page. 

  1. Submit your application packet on or before February 28th, 2022.

  2. Attend the Campaign Meeting on March 7th @ 7:45am OR 3:15 pm

  3. Start your Campaign.

Steps to Run for an ASB APPOINTED Position

  1. Complete your 2022-2023 ASB Appointment Application Packet located in the LHS front office OR in Mr. Rangel’s Classroom (29).

  2. Submit your application packet on or before April 11th , 2022.

Helpful Links

Tips for Writing a Successful Campaign Speech