September 18, 2020
La Grande School District Update on Comprehensive Distance Learning, Limited In Person Instruction, and K-3 education: LGSD is pleased to provide an overview of what is taki...

September 10, 2020
Please see flyer for details on the district's Town Hall Event.

September 3, 2020
We will be having another material pick up day for additional items your student may need. Please see the list of teachers/classes below to see if you will need to come by and pi...

September 1, 2020
The La Grande Middle School sports season schedule has changed to align with OSAA recommendations and guidelines. This is the current plan but is subject to change. Please revie...

August 19, 2020
Please check out our rules and guidelines for distance learning. Even though we are not together in person yet, it's important to be a respectful and dedicated learner!

August 19, 2020
This list can also be found at: https://lms.lagrandesd.org/ La Grande School District is supplying student whiteboards, thumb drive, two whiteboard markers. Reme...

August 19, 2020
La Grande Middle School will be open to families August 27th and 28th for students to come and get the materials they will need for their distance learning as well as check out an...